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Manage your career ambition, avoid job stagnation

Writer's picture: LucilleLucille

Picture yourself in a job you’re really good at with a solid team, some neat projects, and fair pay. While you receive incremental salary increases and title promotions every 2-4 years, the work and interactions don’t meaningfully change. After years doing the same things, you can’t help but feel stuck.

I see you...I've been there too. With the help of trusted accountability partners, I realized that this was a me problem – I had allowed an unwavering loyalty to my boss, a deep-rooted fear of rejection, and a lack of curiosity for what could be to stymy my career. These were the reasons for my stagnation - excuses. I finally chose to look up, own my career, and stop waiting for others to move me where they thought I should be…why would they make a change if I was satisfied and delivering results they loved?! By sharing my career aspirations with my boss, HR, and others in the organization and sharing my point of view in meetings, I began to make progress with my career again too.

If you’re feeling frustrated, bored, or overlooked in your current job, commit to your career instead of settling for what’s comfortable. Don’t be afraid to speak up, take risks, and chase after your ambitions. Who knows where they may take you?!

Free Coaching: Where do you want to be in 12 months, and are you taking the necessary steps today to get there?

Staying in the same job an unusually long time can diminish your impact, satisfaction, and even your self-esteem. A coach can help you recognize your strengths and what might be holding you back. Let’s chat!


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