A year and a half ago, I left my corporate executive career to prioritize my faith, family, and fitness, and I recently launched a leadership coaching business. I’ve used this time to simplify my life, invite kindness back in, and pursue knowledge and peace at every turn. This has required lots of prayer, reflection, and observation.
One observation I keep coming back to is that we need more encouragement in our world.
Since the start of the pandemic, countless corporate cultures have eroded; mental health is now a global crisis, and relationships across families, friends, and communities are too often fractured. I believe we are lacking encouragement. For those of you trudging on through the busyness and grind, I commend you for your focused discipline, and yet, I hope this article will give you pause to consider how you are engaging with others and how well that approach serves you and them. Leaders offer encouragement.
An element of being a leadership coach is that I offer encouragement to my clients to take that step, try that new idea, ponder what’s next, or consider what else is possible. Generally speaking, the answers reside within my clients, and they need my encouragement and guidance to dispel false beliefs, think deeper, consider other options, and build momentum. Self-study is hard and can be uncomfortable, even scary, yet with encouragement and perspective my clients are achieving breakthrough results. Leon F. Seltzer, PhD, professor and clinical psychologist, affirms that most of us feel more accepted and secure when we are acknowledged for our accomplishments. So imagine a world where encouragement, self-awareness and perspective were prioritized.
Confession: I’m a big Peloton fan, practically play a Peloton spokesperson to anyone who will listen! The bike and app have made my body and my mind healthier since we bought the bike in September 2021.
And I love the Peloton Leaderboard (and not because I’m ever at or even near the top!). I love it for the encouragement. For those of you who are not Peloton fans yet, the Leaderboard sits on the screen above the handlebars that also broadcasts the instructor-led video class. It is a scroll of everyone’s profile name taking that ride and how they are performing. It allows you to see how you measure up to others on the same ride, how you are performing against your own best performance, and it allows you to give a digital high-five as you ride along if you so choose.
And I do, I’m a high-fiver. When I start a workout: Clip in my shoes, start my Apple watch sync, and high-five those also just getting started – let’s do this, folks! When someone achieves a milestone: 10-day streak, keep up the great work! 100 rides, way to go! 1000 rides, rock star! Every time an instructor suggests it: yep, we’re in this together! Oh, you live in my state: I see you, neighbor! When I’m neck and neck with another rider: thanks for pushing me! Even when someone passes me, a virtual hand on their back to encourage them to keep climbing. Those high-fives motivate me as I dish them out, and I smile when I receive one from a fellow rider.
But, of course, not all riders are like me. Some high-five as they fly passed me. Some hold back until their own ride ends. Some turn the Leaderboard off completely, shutting out the other riders.
So, which high-fiver type are you? Hyper-celebratory? Intentional withholder? Oblivious rider? Ultra-competitive? Denier of acknowledgement?
And why is that your approach? Take a look inside and a minute to answer that, truly. Why is that your approach? Is your approach to encouragement serving you and others well?
Leadership starts with leading yourself well. As you keep climbing on life’s leaderboard, aspiring to the next level, increase your self-awareness and consider shining more light in this dark world by encouraging others.
