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Expressing Your Desire to Advance: The First Step Towards Career Growth

Writer's picture: LucilleLucille

Ant carrying leaf, everything great is birthed through discomfort, emmanuel acho
"Everything great is birthed through discomfort." - Emmanuel Acho

Being good at your job is just the beginning of a successful career journey. Promotions and pay raises early in your career can be rewarding, but it's the continuous growth and skill development that truly set you on the path to long-term success. Expressing your desire to advance is the first step towards career growth. In today's blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of letting decision-makers know about your ambitions and how to pave the way for future opportunities.

Step 1: Set Your Career Goal

The journey to career advancement begins with clarity. Take some time to reflect on where you want to go in your career. Consider your strengths, interests, and values. Having a clear career goal will provide you with a sense of direction and purpose.

Step 2: Acknowledge Your Gaps

Recognize your weaknesses and identify the experiences you haven't had yet. Be honest with yourself about the limitations of your current network as well as departments and functions that you don’t understand yet. Knowing your gaps is essential for personal growth.

Step 3: Confirm Your Readiness Before expressing your desire for advancement, assess your readiness and availability to take on additional responsibilities. Be realistic about your level of engagement and your capacity to work more hours if needed. Understanding your readiness will help you make informed decisions about when the time is right for you to raise your hand for growth opportunities.

Step 4: Explore Avenues for Learning Learning and growth are essential for career advancement. Consider how you can acquire new skills and experiences. This could involve pursuing further education, seeking out mentorship opportunities, taking on stretch assignments, expanding your network, or gaining exposure to different parts of the business. Identify the avenues for learning you believe will benefit you the most.

Step 5: Create a Plan for Your Manager Conversation

Schedule a one-on-one discussion with your manager for this specific conversation. Script key messages that you want your manager to hear, including your career goals, readiness for more responsibility, and the support you believe you need from your manager.

Step 6: Be Prepared for Pushback

If this is the first time you're expressing your ambition, be prepared for potential pushback from your manager. Digest their concerns as valuable feedback that you need to address. Spend the necessary time remedying any concerns your manager may have – see, this is already helping your grow!

Step 7: Set a Reminder for Follow-Up

Having established a reasonable timeline for next steps and follow-up in your initial conversation with your manager, remember to follow-up at the appropriate time. And keep your eyes open for opportunities that may arise through channels outside of your direct manager.

Step 8: Expand Awareness of Your Ambition Don't limit your expression of ambition to just your manager. Share your career growth interests with others who have influence over your career, including HR and influential leaders within your organization. Your goal is to be top of mind when a developmental opportunity becomes available, no matter the source.

Step 9: Be Patient

Career advancement often takes time. Gaining the necessary skills and experiences may require months or even years of dedicated effort. Stay patient and continue expanding your credentials so that you are fully prepared when the right opportunity comes along.


Ultimately you own your career progression. Expressing your desire to advance is the start to seeding for your future career growth. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to making your ambitions known and positioning yourself for growth opportunities within your organization. Remember, your career is a journey, and each step you take brings you closer to your goals. Start seeding for your future now and watch your career flourish.

I coach growth-minded professionals to lead well, get recognized, and thrive. As a coach, I offer perspective, accountability, feedback, encouragement, and additional possibilities. I'd love to chat with you about how I can accelerate your journey to leadership at the next level.


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